WORKSHOP at TEAM ’24: How to Best Support the Regulated Industries on Atlassian
Join us for Breakfast Workshop in the morning of
Thursday, May 2nd at 9am at the Venetian!
The workshop is at the Palazzo Hospitality Suite #736 (in hallway leading to the Palazzo Pool Deck), on the 3rd Floor of the Palazzo Tower.
From the Atlassian Expo area (as you are leaving it), turn right towards the Palazzo Tower, pass the LOVE sign with the waterfall, and the gondola and follow the Guest Suites and Pool sign. Halfway across the casino, turn right to the Guest Suites and Pool elevators where the security will ask the name of the event (Supporting Regulated Industries on Atlassian) and your name. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor (Hospitality Suites) and follow the sign to Suite nr #736.
🧐 AGENDA Details:
☕️ 9am – 9.15am – Coffee, Breakfast & Introductions
⚒️ 9.15am – 10.30am – Use Cases from Regulated Industries
- How we Support Atlassian Client Companies from various Regulated Industries
Marion Lepmets, CEO of SoftComply - Migration Journey of an Australian Government office to Atlassian Cloud
Geoff Mether, CEO of the Togetha Group - Experiences and Challenges in Supporting MedTech Industry Clients on Atlassian Cloud
Mix Mixon, Senior Solutions Engineer/Architect at Atlassian - Supporting an Enterprise Client from Financial Industry migrate to Atlassian Cloud
Jan Szczepanski, CMO of Jodocus - Interactive Chat on Regulatory Compliance with a Global Financial Industry Client
Ulrich Kuhnhardt, CEO of Izymes - How Atlassian Supports the Regulated Industry Clients
Joe Elgabalawi, Senior Group Product Manager for Regulated Industries at Atlassian
🔥 10.30 – 11am -> Roundtable Discussion: Main Challenges for the Regulated Industries on Atlassian & How to Solve them