Table of contents
    • 1.1. Prerequisite of the Validation app
    • 1.2. Check Authentication policies
    • 1.3. Create Test User Accounts in Atlassian
    • 1.4. Invite Test Users
    • 1.5. Assign User to a Group
    • 1.6. Check Account Settings for Two Test Users
    • 1.7. Open the Risk Manager Plus app as Test User
    • 2.1. Select a Reporter
    • 2.2. Create an Access Token
    • 2.3. Select a Validation Report Page
    • 2.4. Add Test Users
    • 2.5. Save Configuration
    • 4.1. Viewing Test Execution Details
    • 4.2. Viewing the Validation Results
  • 5. BOOK A DEMO
User Guide for Validation app of the Risk Manager Plus

Following is a short video tutorial on setting up the Validation app for Risk Manager Plus:


Before configuring the Validation for Risk Manager Plus app, follow the steps below.

1.1. Prerequisite of the Validation app

In order to use the Validation app for the Risk Manager Plus, you need to have the SoftComply Risk Manager Plus app installed on your Jira Cloud instance.

1.2. Check Authentication policies

Since the Validation app requires to test users to be added to your Confluence, let us first make sure that these test users can log in to Confluence with just their username and password. In other words, if your site Admin has set up an authentication policy which uses SSO for authentication, then we should first create a separate authentication policy for the validation test users.

As an Admin user, log in to your Confluence, open your site’s Settings view and navigate to User Management page.

From the top menu, select Security and open Authentication policies from the left menu. Check that the Single sign-on or Two-step verification is not applied to all users. If it is, then add a new policy which does not require SSO or Two-step authentication and add there two users, who will be used for testing the Risk Manager Plus app.

1.3. Create Test User Accounts in Atlassian

Out of the two new test users one will be used as an Admin and the other as a Standard user for the Risk Manager Plus app.

1.3.1 Use any of the mail clients (e.g. Gmail) and create two email accounts.

1.3.2 Go to and create two Atlassian accounts with those test emails.

1.4. Invite Test Users

1.4.1 Log into your organisation’s Confluence site as an Admin user and open the Settings view (cogwheel sign in the upper right corner), then select User management.

1.4.2 Click on Invite users button and enter the emails of those test accounts. Click on the Invite people button. These test users should have User role for Jira Software and Confluence.

1.5. Assign User to a Group

From the Users list, select one of the test users and add them to site-admins or org-admins group. This user will be acting as Test Admin User.

1.6. Check Account Settings for Two Test Users

With both test users that you created, log in to your Confluence site and open Account Settings view. Go to Profile and visibility page. Scroll down and make your test user’s email visible to Anyone.

1.7. Open the Risk Manager Plus app as Test User

Login in to your Jira instance with both test users. Open the Risk Manager Plus app from Apps menu link.

Allow access to the app and close guiding wizards on Getting Started, Risk Models and Risk Tables views.

Open the Risk Models view from the left menu and dismiss the guiding wizard.

Open the Risk Tables view from the left menu and dismiss the guiding wizard.

Click on the Create new table template button and close the guiding wizard.


As an Admin user, log into your site’s Settings view and open RMP Validation Settings page. Site Admin rights are required for configuring and running the RMP Validation app.

2.1. Select a Reporter

Select a user who will be the author of the Validation reports. This user will be displayed as the reporter on the Validation Report page. Only users with public email are shown in the list. To make the email public, follow the steps in chapter 1.6.

2.2. Create an Access Token

In order for the Validation app to generate the Validation report into your Confluence instance, you will need to provide an Atlassian access token to the app. Please note that this token needs to be generated by the same user who is selected as the Reporter. If the Reporter is changed, then a new token needs to be created.

NOTE: Atlassian access token does not change when you change your password. You can revoke the access token anytime resulting in the Validator App no longer having access to your Atlassian account to generate the Validation Report.

2.3. Select a Validation Report Page

Determine the location for the Validation Reports. Only the pages in the spaces to which the Reporter has access to can be selected.

2.4. Add Test Users

Select one of the test users, who is in the site-admins or org-admins group, as Test Admin User, and provide their Atlassian account password. For the Standard Test User, select the other test user, who is in the Jira Software Users group, and add their Atlassian account password.

Both fields show the list of users based on their groups – Test Admin User field shows only users who are in Site Admin or Org Admin group, and Test Standard User field shows only users who are in Jira Software Users group.

Please note that only users with public email are visible in this dropdown. If you can not find your test user from the list, follow the steps in chapter 1.6 to make the email public.

2.5. Save Configuration

After filling out the fields, you can save the configuration by clicking on Save Configuration button. Just in case, refresh the browser.


You can run manual validation once a week or you can set up automatic test executions with the same regularity.

To set up the automatic test execution, switch on the scheduler (toggle shown as green) and select a weekday, when the tests will be executed. Once set up, the tests will be automatically executed once a week and the manual test execution will be disabled.

To get notified when the report is generated, select the reporters who will receive an email notification.


4.1. Viewing Test Execution Details

The Validation app page displays all the validation runs that have been executed with a summary of the number of the test cases executed, finished and/or failed, the corresponding validation run status and timestamp.

Click Apps menu, and select Validation for Risk Manager Plus. Alternatively, you can access the page from the Risk Manager Plus Validation Settings page (as described above).

The “Details” column on the App page indicates whether the Validation report has been generated after the tests have finished or whether something was mis-configured and the report cannot be generated (“Tests run has been started“). Test execution is done, when the status is completed.

There are different statuses for a test execution, which are briefly explained as follows:

  • If the status is COMPLETED then all the test cases passed.
  • If the status is COMPLETED then there are failed test cases.
  • If the status is SCHEDULED then the test execution is waiting in the queue, but will be started shortly.
  • If the status is UNKNOWN then something failed and tests will not be executed.
  • If the status is EXECUTING then the test run has started.

There are three statuses for the reports:

  • Validation Report generated – the report was successfully created.
  • Tests run has been started – something failed and the report was not generated.
  • Failed to generate Validation Report – the report was not generated. Most likely the token is invalid.

4.2. Viewing the Validation Results

With each test run, documented evidence is automatically generated. There are 4 documents created in your Confluence site – Master Validation Plan, Master Validation Report, Validation Report and Test Protocol.

You can access the Validation Report of each of the validation tests when clicking on View Report button from the application page (mentioned above). The button becomes active if the status is completed and the details description is shown as “Validation Report generated“.

NB! Opening a Validation report for the first time may take a considerable amount of time (several minutes), as the reports include a lot of evidence in high definition image format which impacts the load time.


In case you would like to learn more about the Validation for Risk Manager Plus app, you are most welcome to Demo of the SoftComply Validation app – SoftComply.