Risk Management Guide for a Digital Health or a Medical Device Company on Jira Cloud

Why Risk Management In the fast-paced world of medical device development, safety and quality are of utmost importance. Manufacturers must adhere to stringent regulations and standards to ensure that their devices are safe and effective for patients. One such standard that plays a crucial role in the medical device industry is ISO 14971, which focuses […]

How to apply SoftComply Risk Manager features to any Jira project

Wouldn’t it be cool to keep everything in Jira – your backlog, your test cases and your risks all in Jira? Yes, but you could do that for years already. But what if all that can be done in a single Jira project? That would be truly awesome! You can now do it with the […]

How to Add Page Numbers to the PDF Exports of Quality Records in Confluence

Paper-based Quality Management Systems are now (almost) a thing of the past (it’s sooo 20th century…). But in some cases, printing records and documents from the eDMS is necessary, or at least exporting them to PDF. The requirements for paper documents are the same as digital documents. But, unlike electronic formats, physical misplacement or loss […]

Medical Device Compliance & Atlassian Cloud

On the 16th of October 2020, Atlassian announced radical changes to their offering. From February 2nd 2021, Atlassian will not sell any new Server licenses for any of their products. A year later, in February 2022, it will not be possible to upgrade or downgrade your Atlassian Server product tier. From February 2023, it will […]

How to Use Confluence Pages as Templates

Summary SoftComply has released a new Confluence Server macro within the SoftComply eQMS app that allows the user to use any Confluence page as a template, copying it automatically into the existing space at a click of a button. Features include the addition of prefixes, suffixes, timestamp and more. This bypasses the use of Confluence […]

What is a Risk Management File?

ISO 14971:2019 defines the Risk Management file as a “set of records and other documents that are produced by risk management”. In practice, the risk management file must contain, or have reference to, the following documents: (4.2, Note 3) The policy for establishing criteria for risk acceptability. (4.4) The Risk Management Plan. (4.5) Traceability for […]

Comparison of Risk Management Apps on Jira Cloud

Following our previous post where we compared the 4 top risk management apps on Jira Server, in this post we are comparing the features of the 2 most popular risk management apps on Jira Cloud. One of them is for product and project risk management (SoftComply Risk Manager) and the other for organisational risk management (Risk […]