How SoftComply eQMS helped speed up the CE-marking of munevo DRIVE – a Case Study

“If you are developing medical device software and need to go through the certification process, look what SoftComply has to offer!”, says Claudiu, the co-founder and CEO of Munevo. Munevo is the company behind munevo DRIVE – the first wheelchair control system that uses smart glasses enabling people to become more independent and safely drive […]

How to Secure your Documents in Confluence?

This short post will provide you insight into taking control over your document management in Confluence Server. This post is not going to touch regular security policies like VPN, firewalls, security policies and ohter things that are outside of the Confluence Server. In other words, all the really technical things are left out and we […]

IEC 60601 – Essential Performance, Safety and Risk Management

Background IEC 60601 is a series of technical standards for the safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment. Although if focuses primarily on electromechanical devices, it also applies to aspects of the software components. It is a widely recognized standard that most, if not all, medical device companies have to comply with. The concept […]

What is FMEA?

FMEA stands for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, it is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a product or service. From ISO 14971: “FMEA is a technique by which the consequences of an individual fault mode are systematically identified and evaluated. It is an […]

Hazard Analysis & FME(C)A on Jira – SoftComply Risk Manager PLUS is out now!

We are happy to inform you that our Risk Management solution for Jira has gotten an upgrade for Jira Server users – the SoftComply Risk Manager Plus focusing specifically on safety-critical product/device/system risks. SoftComply Risk Manager Plus supports both Hazard Analysis as well as FME(C)A, including FME(C)A with Detectability and RPN (Risk Prioritization Number). Although […]

What is a Risk Mitigation Requirement and How to Write It?

Medical device risk mitigation actions aim at reducing the occurrence and/or the severity of the potential harm. Risk mitigations are equivalent to requirements. But unlike requirements coming from user needs or other higher level requirements, risk mitigations need special attention. Of course “Requirements shall be complete, unambiguous, able to be verified or validated, and not […]

What is Probability of Failure of Medical Device Software?

One of the more controversial requirements of IEC 62304 is the probability of failure of medical device software during Risk Analysis. EN 62304:2006 paragraph 4.3 “Software Safety Classification” states “If the HAZARD could arise from a failure of the SOFTWARE SYSTEM to behave as specified, the probability of such failure shall be assumed to be […]

Risk Management for JIRA. Why?

Compliant Risk Management is a mandatory regulatory requirement for companies in medical device and other safety-critical domains. It is a specific aspect of safety-critical system development that requires linking risks to system/software design and testing to ensure the system is safe to use. Various standalone solutions exist today for safety-critical system developers that help automate […]